Monday, October 5, 2009

since the beginning of time...

Genesis 2:23 ~ "Then the man said,

'This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.'

Since the beginning of time God has showed us what he wants marriage to look like. I have read this passage prolly a million times, I'm sure, but on my journey of reading the Bible cover to cover, I just can't get passed this verse! It's so killer...

I just love the wording...."at last" shows that Adam was longing for this perfect companion and God finally gave her to him. And this was his knee jerk reaction. He woke up and was stoked! He was relieved....and I can not wait for this to happen for me. I know it will. God's got my back. And on the day I meet the man God has set aside for me I know I will say "At Last!" haha

The verses before this are also so perfect...The Bible talks about how Adam had to go through all creation and name everything....haha what a job. I can just picture God going, "Hey, I know you just got here but seeing as how I MADE all of this do you think that you could just name everything? Thaaaanks. Oh and when you're done I have a surprise for you."

So Adam gets done and a "helper fit for him" was no where to be found. So God slips Adam a roofie and removes his rib....wait, what?!

Genesis 2: 21-22 ~ "So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man."

Surprise! You have one rib but a smokin hot wife! You're welcome!

I was talking this verse out with my mom the other day and it hit me how significant the rib is. I mean, think about it. Your ribs are there to protect all of your major What does every woman need/want/long for from her

(Now all you feminists calm down out there...I know this sounds old fashioned, but thats because it is, it's from the beginning of time so deal.)

Adams well being was compromised by him sacrificing his rib in order to make eve....literally MAKE her. Granted he didnt really have a choice cuz he was knocked out but this is how God shows us how he needs/wants/longs for men to treat women. This woman was a gift to this man...a sacrifice was made to form this beautiful union of two fleshes becoming one.

So many thoughts in my head about this verse. It just blows my mind every time.

When I get married I am tattooing verse 23 across my ribs....I know my hubby will be stoked on that idea. ha

God, Thank you for always blowing my mind with the simplest of things. This is why You are God and I am not...

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