Genesis 3: 1-8 "Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made.
He said to the woman, "Did God actually say, 'You shall not eat of any tree in the garden'?" And the woman said to the serpent, "We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden, but God said, 'You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.'" But the serpent said to the woman, "You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate, and she also gave some to her husband who was with her, and he ate. Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loincloths."
It's funny to me how quickly Eve forgot her Maker. (Granted a snake was talking to her so she was a little distracted.)
Side note: Imagine Adam while this interaction between Eve and the serpent is going on. "Eve, I know you're new here but that's not normal. While I was naming all of these creatures, you know, before you got here, none of them talked to me...I'm just throwin that out there...but by all means, continue..."
I mean seriously, even Eve forgot who God is: Truth. If she would of taken even a second to remember God I might not have my rechid period right now...I might not even be here. Think about how different our world would be if she would of just remembered her Creator.
And did you notice that the serpent didn't even really bring up the forbidden tree directly? Then when Eve brings it up he spins it in such a way that Eve ends up feeling dumb for even believing God. Sin does that you know? When we let it speak into our lives our perspective gets thrown off and we all of the sudden forget all the truth we know and we cave in.
This happens to me more often then I would like to admit. I have these freak out moments about my life and whats going wrong or what could go wrong or what I want but don't have or what I have but don't want and for a split second I forget my Creator. I forget, for whatever reason, that He is so much bigger then me and my problems. Or maybe sometimes I just think he's too big? That God has way better and bigger things to worry about then my piddly life and it's miniscule problems measured against other bigger issues. And although that is true, God still sees and cares about ALL my problems. Now that word "ALL" might freak some of you freaks me out.
I remember sitting in a buffalo wild wings/panera parking lot not too long ago and the thought hit me that I could never get away from God. Now just think about that for a second.
Chew on it....
Even when we push God so far out of our lives that we can't see Him any more, He's still there. So while sitting in this parking lot my pea sized brain actually tried to think of places I could hide from God: Nebraska? Southern Illinois? A hole in the ground in Iran? There is literally no place God does not know about. There is no place He can not go. And in that moment alone in the parking lot I feared God. This literally just hit me while I'm writing this, that my emotion at that moment was a totally natural, healthy, and beautiful way to feel. This is the only time I can really recall having this feeling....I am having a bit of a wow moment thinking about this wow moment.
Think about what you're worried about right now: in every day life what do you worry about? You got it? I'm sure it didn't take long to form a list; long or short; in your head.
Okay now think about your worst fear. The most tragic thing that could happen. That if this thing were to happen your life would come crashing down around you. Got it?
Let it go.
Just let it go.
Remember your Creator.
God doesn't have to remember you...He never stops thinking about you.
The word "remember" shows that you forgot at some point, whether is was for just a second or for a year and a half, you forgot.
I love that I serve a God, the God, who doesn't have to remember. He just knows. He just is.
Think about how different your life would be if in that split second before you freaked out you remembered just how amazing, just how loving, just how awesome, just how gracious, just how caring, just how powerful, and just how all knowing our God is. Imagine what would happen.
God, in my moments of ridiculousness, please help me remember You.
God, I want to, no, I need to change this world, but it starts with me and my heart.
God, I love you. Thank You for every breath You give me.
God, I will fail. But help me to get back up. Let me remember Your unending grace.
Remember your Creator.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
since the beginning of time...
Genesis 2:23 ~ "Then the man said,
'This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.'
Since the beginning of time God has showed us what he wants marriage to look like. I have read this passage prolly a million times, I'm sure, but on my journey of reading the Bible cover to cover, I just can't get passed this verse! It's so killer...
I just love the wording...."at last" shows that Adam was longing for this perfect companion and God finally gave her to him. And this was his knee jerk reaction. He woke up and was stoked! He was relieved....and I can not wait for this to happen for me. I know it will. God's got my back. And on the day I meet the man God has set aside for me I know I will say "At Last!" haha
The verses before this are also so perfect...The Bible talks about how Adam had to go through all creation and name everything....haha what a job. I can just picture God going, "Hey, I know you just got here but seeing as how I MADE all of this do you think that you could just name everything? Thaaaanks. Oh and when you're done I have a surprise for you."
So Adam gets done and a "helper fit for him" was no where to be found. So God slips Adam a roofie and removes his rib....wait, what?!
Genesis 2: 21-22 ~ "So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man."
Surprise! You have one rib but a smokin hot wife! You're welcome!
I was talking this verse out with my mom the other day and it hit me how significant the rib is. I mean, think about it. Your ribs are there to protect all of your major What does every woman need/want/long for from her
(Now all you feminists calm down out there...I know this sounds old fashioned, but thats because it is, it's from the beginning of time so deal.)
Adams well being was compromised by him sacrificing his rib in order to make eve....literally MAKE her. Granted he didnt really have a choice cuz he was knocked out but this is how God shows us how he needs/wants/longs for men to treat women. This woman was a gift to this man...a sacrifice was made to form this beautiful union of two fleshes becoming one.
So many thoughts in my head about this verse. It just blows my mind every time.
When I get married I am tattooing verse 23 across my ribs....I know my hubby will be stoked on that idea. ha
God, Thank you for always blowing my mind with the simplest of things. This is why You are God and I am not...
'This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh;
she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.'
Since the beginning of time God has showed us what he wants marriage to look like. I have read this passage prolly a million times, I'm sure, but on my journey of reading the Bible cover to cover, I just can't get passed this verse! It's so killer...
I just love the wording...."at last" shows that Adam was longing for this perfect companion and God finally gave her to him. And this was his knee jerk reaction. He woke up and was stoked! He was relieved....and I can not wait for this to happen for me. I know it will. God's got my back. And on the day I meet the man God has set aside for me I know I will say "At Last!" haha
The verses before this are also so perfect...The Bible talks about how Adam had to go through all creation and name everything....haha what a job. I can just picture God going, "Hey, I know you just got here but seeing as how I MADE all of this do you think that you could just name everything? Thaaaanks. Oh and when you're done I have a surprise for you."
So Adam gets done and a "helper fit for him" was no where to be found. So God slips Adam a roofie and removes his rib....wait, what?!
Genesis 2: 21-22 ~ "So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man."
Surprise! You have one rib but a smokin hot wife! You're welcome!
I was talking this verse out with my mom the other day and it hit me how significant the rib is. I mean, think about it. Your ribs are there to protect all of your major What does every woman need/want/long for from her
(Now all you feminists calm down out there...I know this sounds old fashioned, but thats because it is, it's from the beginning of time so deal.)
Adams well being was compromised by him sacrificing his rib in order to make eve....literally MAKE her. Granted he didnt really have a choice cuz he was knocked out but this is how God shows us how he needs/wants/longs for men to treat women. This woman was a gift to this man...a sacrifice was made to form this beautiful union of two fleshes becoming one.
So many thoughts in my head about this verse. It just blows my mind every time.
When I get married I am tattooing verse 23 across my ribs....I know my hubby will be stoked on that idea. ha
God, Thank you for always blowing my mind with the simplest of things. This is why You are God and I am not...
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